This recipe comes right out of Jamie Oliver's newest cookbook - Cook With Jamie. It is one of four recipes that you can find here, that are all "Roasted chicken breast with... something." So far the two that I've tried (this one and another with asparagus and cherry tomatoes) have come out of the oven looking great and tasting better! The only changes that I made to the lemony potatoes was leaving out the ginger since I didn't have any on hand. I also exchanged the fresh cilantro with ground coriander. I would say that I did this because I don't have fresh cilantro (which is true) but the real reason is because I'm one of the people out there that just can't stand the taste of cilantro leaves. They taste like what I would imagine dish detergent to taste like and coriander (cilantro in seed form) doesn't taste like soap.
That aside, I highly recommend the book - and the recipes - to anyone looking to add to their collection of cook books* or to introduce yourself to real food.
*I have a collection of cookbooks.
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