

More business and forgetfulness has prevented me from posting. So, long overdue, here are the rest of my quick TIFF film write ups.

Che Parts 1 & 2

This film was long. Four hours of revolutionary ups and downs. Part 1 chronicles Ernesto Che Guevara's experiences during the Cuban revolution and his time speaking in New York at the UN. It's quite fun to watch and ends on a high note.
Part 2 chronicle's Che's time in Bolivia, trying to bring revolution to the country. The film tells a near polar opposite story, with the Bolivian revolution starting out badly and continuing to get worse as time goes on, until the film ends with Guevara's capture and execution by the Bolivian Army.


This film was not good. It wasn't really bad though... I'd say that it just lacked any real emotional weight, despite being about WW2 through the eyes of a German. The film basically glossed over all of the interesting plot points and used character dialogue to catch the audience up on all the juicy bits you never get to see.

El Greco

This film was just terrible. It was like watching a bad TV movie. It was terrible to the point of being both sad and hilarious. It was full of cheesy sight gags and terrible acting. Every time something bad happens to El Greco he would look up, fists clenched and shout "No.. NO.. NOOOOO!!!" towards the sky. This film could end up becoming my record holder for worst festival film of all time.

At The Edge Of The World

A pretty good documentary about a volunteer crew of "pirates" who aim to get in the way (or destroy) as many japanese whaling boats as possible. It's pretty entertaining, but completely one sided as it only follows the crew... although I guess it could be difficult to get a statement from Japanese whaling boats. Anyway, the film includes some amusing moments and great scenery.

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